Protect your enterprise blockchain.

Frontal offers a comprehensive suite of enterprise blockchain security services to mitigate the risks of attacks on blockchain infrastructure and applications of your enterprise.


Protect your enterprise blockchain.

Frontal offers a comprehensive suite of enterprise blockchain security services to mitigate the risks of attacks on blockchain infrastructure and applications of your enterprise.

Enterprise Blockchain

Comprehensive security strategy for enterprise blockchain solution

Our comprehensive security service ensure your enterprise blockchain use case is secured. We help customers secure their enterprise blockchain deployment to mitigate the risks of attacks related to blockchain applications, smart contracts, and endpoints.

Consortium Blockchain

Multi-level security audit for the consortium blockchain

Frontal targets to secure consortium blockchain of the local government, enterprise, and public institution from underlying technology to application layer, and discovery vulnerabilities and weaknesses of different threat scenarios.

Hyperledger and Chaincode

Secure your Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain

Many organizations have adopted Hyperledger Fabric as their blockchain to solve various use cases across a range of industries. We support in ensuring this infrastructure is secure and evaluate on-chain and off-chain parameters for any misconfiguration or vulnerabilities.
  • IBM Blockchain as a Service Cloud Security Assessment
  • Blockchain Adapter Security Assessment
  • gRPC and API Security Assessment
  • Chaincode Security Audit
  • Network Security Controls
  • Certificate Authority Audit
  • Node Security and Hardening
  • Access Control Lists
  • MSP Security Controls
  • Ledger Data Security Controls
  • Transaction Integrity
  • Cryptographic Requirements

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